Nature & Environment

Manitenance day at the Nature Reserve

The end of April saw a busy day at the Nature reserve with the building of a new dead hedge from all the brash created when Birch Services cut down the trees growing into the power lines.
The volunteers were guided by Tom Ward from The Heart of England Forest.

Helping the Hedgehogs

A helping hand for Hedgehogs!
With numbers of hedgehogs feared to be down to only around 1.1 million in the England - these charming little creatures need our help in several ways.
Garden Wildlife Direct have a wonderful guide on planting to help, supplementary feeding, access and homes 

ArkWildlife have produced a Hedgehog Hibernation Calendar which you can print and have heaps of useful information plus a blog on the delightful creatures here.

The Wildlife Trust have also published a full set of instructions to create an ideal Hedgehog home - which can then be sited either in your garden or the Nature Reserve or in Shorthorn Wood. Click for Details.

Could you do your bit to help?

Did you know the ancient terms for Hedgehogs include  Igl, Urchin and Furze-Pig and their young are called Hoglets?

Work at the Wood ...

Investment in pathways improvement at Shorthorn Wood
Volunteers have been hard at work helping with improvements to the pathways in Shorthorn Wood and cutting back overgrown sections.  About six tons of new stone will stabilise and protect the the wetter areas.
The Wood is increasingly popular and convenient for people in Bishampton and Throckmorton and lovely for an evening stroll.  Take a look!

Working parties are active every couple of weeks during the summer with this on-going work.
To help with this rewarding work contact Charles -

...... And in Reserve!

 New access and improvements at our Nature reserve
Much work has been done to improve both access and paths in the nature reserve in Bishampton. The new access gate is from the footpath on the east side of the reserve - whilst improved walkways both aid walking and protect the wetter areas.
Thanks go to Fil Amoroso and the volunteers who have helped.

If you would like to help with further projects please contact Fil  -

Birdboxes needed

Birdboxes Needed for the Nature Reserve and Shorthorn Wood
Build a Birdbox for us to have installed at one of our wildlife spaces.  Full details and plans provided by the RSPB.


Fruit Tree Pruning

We have twelve small fruit trees in the Nature Reserve orchard which were in need of winter pruning. John Edgeley, our very own resident fruit tree specialist, kindly offered to demonstrate fruit tree pruning at the Nature Reserve.
Greatly informative session and much enjoyed and as John gave his time for free we were able to take donations to the MagPost fundraising pot! 

A successful event which we hope to repeat!

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