
This section provides links to a number of documents which may be of interest to the community. 
Documents include current policy documents, records, management information and access to archive material.

Certain documents are necessarily restricted for internal use by council members. 
For council  only documents Click Here.
image: someone holding a pile of documents
We are required to maintain copies of many documents on the Worcester County Council, My Parish pages..... here ,though we recommend using the document listings below on our own systems.

Public Domain Documents

For your convenience these are grouped in the following sections (Click heading)

Latest Meeting Documents

PC Meeting Agenda:  Mon 3rd March: Link to Agenda

Draft Minutes 3rd March: Link to Minutes

Council Operations BATPC
Calendar of Meetings Yes
Contact Details Yes
Councillor Interest /Focus Areas Yes
Council Meeting Minutes Yes
Council Meeting Agendas Yes
Register of Interests Wychavon DC
Strategic Objectives - (Top Level) Yes
Action Plan - (Working) Yes
Grant Application Form (policy below) Yes
Policies & Procedures BATPC
Standing Orders Yes
Financial Regulations Yes
Code of Conduct Yes
Publication Scheme Yes
Freedom of Information Policy Yes
Action Plan (Strategic) Yes
Action Plan (Detail) Yes
Training & Development Policy Yes
Equality & Diversity Policy Yes
Complaints Procedure Yes
Press and Media Policy Yes
Social Media Policy Yes
Grant Awarding Policy Yes
General Data Privacy Notice Yes
Accessibility Statement Yes
Health and Safety Yes
Retention and Archiving Policy Yes
General Power of Competence Policy Yes
Staff Appraisal Policy Yes
Bioiversity Policy Yes
Finance BATPC
Financial Regulations Yes
Annual Governance & Accounting Statements/AGAR 1/2 2023-24 Yes - June 24
AGAR -Notice of Publication & Rights of Inspection 2023-24 Yes - June24
AGAR External Audit Section3 & Notice of Completion Yes - September24
Budget Details Yes
Precept Details2025-26 Yes
Payment Record Yes
Reserves Policy Yes
Reserves Brought forward from 2023-34 Yes
Community Infrastructure Levy - Statement Yes - Sep24
Finance Archive Yes
Community Engagement BATPC
Community Engagement Policy Yes
Chairman's Report (2024) Yes
Parish Assemblies Yes
Parish Maps Yes
Planning Application Log Yes
Community Consultation Yes
Publicity activities Yes

Other Reference Documents and Archive

All About Local Councils 
Informative Guide published by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC).
Parish Council and District  Elections May 2023
Details of Nominations and Results of May 23 elections

Councillor Profile - Interest/ Focus Areas
This reflects areas where councillors have a particular interest and lead thinking and contact for the council.
Powers - Statutory Sources
List of Statutory powers with sources
Parish Maps
Two useful maps showing the extent and boundaries of the Parishes of Bishampton & Throckmorton
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