For your convenience these are grouped in the following sections (Click heading)
Latest Meeting Documents
PC Meeting Agenda: Mon 3rd March: Link to Agenda
Draft Minutes 3rd March: Link to Minutes
Council Operations | BATPC |
Calendar of Meetings | Yes |
Contact Details | Yes |
Councillor Interest /Focus Areas | Yes |
Council Meeting Minutes | Yes |
Council Meeting Agendas | Yes |
Register of Interests | Wychavon DC |
Strategic Objectives - (Top Level) | Yes |
Action Plan - (Working) | Yes |
Grant Application Form (policy below) | Yes |
Policies & Procedures | BATPC |
Standing Orders | Yes |
Financial Regulations | Yes |
Code of Conduct | Yes |
Publication Scheme | Yes |
Freedom of Information Policy | Yes |
Action Plan (Strategic) | Yes |
Action Plan (Detail) | Yes |
Training & Development Policy | Yes |
Equality & Diversity Policy | Yes |
Complaints Procedure | Yes |
Press and Media Policy | Yes |
Social Media Policy | Yes |
Grant Awarding Policy | Yes |
General Data Privacy Notice | Yes |
Accessibility Statement | Yes |
Health and Safety | Yes |
Retention and Archiving Policy | Yes |
General Power of Competence Policy | Yes |
Staff Appraisal Policy | Yes |
Bioiversity Policy | Yes |
Finance | BATPC |
Financial Regulations | Yes |
Annual Governance & Accounting Statements/AGAR 1/2 2023-24 | Yes - June 24 |
AGAR -Notice of Publication & Rights of Inspection 2023-24 | Yes - June24 |
AGAR External Audit Section3 & Notice of Completion | Yes - September24 |
Budget Details | Yes |
Precept Details2025-26 | Yes |
Payment Record | Yes |
Reserves Policy | Yes |
Reserves Brought forward from 2023-34 | Yes |
Community Infrastructure Levy - Statement | Yes - Sep24 |
Finance Archive | Yes |