The now familiar sight of vehicle activated signs reflect a significant investment in encouraging good and respectful behaviour from our road users. As a council we feel it is appropriate to share the information that these signs can produce - so that we can all be aware of our responsibilities and the beneficial impact of these signs.
Recorded speeds are those when the sign is first triggered (ie before we are reminded to slow) so we encourage everyone to
"MAKE IT GO GREEN" and get the polite thank you! (on the more recent signs).
Abberton Road
VAS: Data Analysis – Abberton Road (Incoming)
These details below show data for the last three months.
Graphs show distribution of speeds for monthly traffic movement (inbound)
Broad Lane, Bishampton
VAS: Data Analysis – Broad Lane, Bishampton (Incoming)
These details show data for the last three months.
Graphs show distribution of speeds for monthly traffic movement (inbound)
Main Street, Bishampton
VAS: Data Analysis – Main Street (Incoming)
These details show data for the last three months.
Graphs showing distribution of speeds for monthly traffic movement (inbound)
Throckmorton South (Hill and Moor side)
VAS: Data Analysis – Long Lane - Northbound Traffic
These details show data for the last three months available.
Graphs show distribution of speeds for monthly traffic movement (inbound)
Throckmorton North (Airfield Side)
VAS: Data Analysis – Long Lane - Southbound Traffic
These details show data for the last three months.
Graphs show distribution of speeds for monthly traffic movement (inbound)