Planning - Bishampton & Throckmorton

This section is intended to provide information and links for people to explore planning issues and current high focus applications in the Parishes.
Whilst we will try to include significant applications we cannot cover all applications or concerns here and would always encourage people to explore more fully at the Wychavon Planning Portal.  
Searches for Bishampton, Throckmorton, Tilesford should reveal all current and past applications,
Wychavon Planning Portal
Below is a direct link to information for the Wychavon Planning Committee meetings.
Planning Committee Meetings
image of planning materials

We also have a list of commonly asked questions provided by the planning department and containing some useful information.

Planning Dept FAQs

Current planning applications

- (Try our new interactive maps showing current applications)

Pending Applications
Glebe Cottage - Church End, Bishampton
W/25/00533/HP : Two storey rear extension. 

Field Farm House - Hill Furze Road
W/25/00163/FUL : Erection of 3 no. holiday/visitor accommodation use lodges, and associated access and parking provision.
Church Farm House (Listed) - Abberton Road
W/25/00147/LB  - Amendments to foundation of basement
Home Lea - Main Street, Bishampton
W/25/00220/HP  - Ground Floor rear extension to replace conservatory

Other Notable applications

SWDPR - Throckmorton Airfield
The Inspectors have requested additional and updated supporting information, modelling and evidences from the SWDPR team.  The SWDPR team hope to deliver this between August and October, which could mean that the Examination in Public can proceed early in 2025.


Noons Orchard, Main Street, Bishampton
(next door to The Dolphin)
Large singe storey extension. Comment lodged   
Moat House, Main Street, Bishampton
Two storey side extension, front porch alterations, rear single storey extension plus cladding and render to replace brick facades.  - No Comment. APPROVED
9 Tilesford Park, Tilesford
Extension to rear of property. No comment.  APPROVED
Sunnybank Cottage, Main Street, Bishampton (Listed)
Replacement/ enlargement of rear link extension 
Comment lodged.  APPROVED
Maple Cottage, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton
Side and rear extensions plus conversion of former garage. No Objection.   APPROVED
APPEAL - 3 Self Build Properties off Main Street Bishampton
The applicant has appealed this undetermined application for the land off Main Street is pending, this one back to 3 Self Builds.  This means it will be considered by the planning inspectors without a decision at committee.
We believe all the same objections on grounds of unsuitability apply here and have highlighted the previous refusals for this land objected on the same basis.  
APPEAL - against refusal
Land beyond Babylon Lane, Bishampton 
The applicants have launched an appeal against the refusal of permission for 3 dwellings beyond the end of Babylon Land by Copperfields, on existing meadow and paddock.
The appeal will be heard  by the Planning Inspectors - original comments will be considered and additional comments may be submitted. APPEAL DISMISSED
Church Farm House, Abberton Road, Bishampton (Listed)
Amendments to semi basement room to mitigate ingress of water issues.  No Objection.   APPROVED
Sunnybank Cottage, Main Street, Bishampton (Listed)
Application to change surface of driveway of Listed Building
Commented.  APPROVED
Maple Cottage, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton
Construction of detached car port with ancillary living accommodation.  APPROVED
Single Storey Double Garage Abberton Road
Application for a single double garage to the front of Hampton House, Abberton Road, Bishampton.  
The parish council found no planning grounds for objection. APPROVED
Black Barn House, Main Street Bishampton
Change of use of stable outbuilding to dwelling annex /guest accommodation ancillary to the main dwelling.  APPROVED
8 Orchard View Cottages, Main Street,Bishampton
Application for 2 storey extension to side and single storey to rear.  Comments submitted re- impact on neighbouring property.  APPROVED
Single Storey extension Kirrin House
 Application for a single storey extension to the rear of Kirrin House, 2 Nightingale Fields, Bishampton.
The parish council found no planning grounds for objection.
Land beyond Babylon Lane, Bishampton 
Another application seeking to develop onto green field land - this time a development between the end of Babylon Land and Copperfields, on existing meadow and paddock.
The parish council has submitted an objection
Application REFUSED
Land behind Nightingale Fields / Babylon Lane (previously - The Firs) PERMISSION in PRINCIPLE
Those with long memories will recall, two applications for around 20 homes on this land were fought and refused a decision supported at appeal - before the current homes at Nightingale Fields were built.  
Hagley homes are now seeking to exploit the Wychavon land supply shortfall by reapplying for development of this site.  
The Parish Council have submitted an objection
Pendine, Abberton Road, Bishampton
Single Storey summerhouse and garage.  APPROVED
Evesham Carp Fishery, Watersedge, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Application to add an equipment storage and Yoga Studio. The parish council  could find no planning grounds for objection, though in commenting will request conditions for sympathetic and appropriate design requirements. APPROVED.
Old School House  - Main Street, Bishampton
Application for consent to make several internal changes to a listed building. 
The parish council found no cause for objection.
Green Lea  - Main Street, Bishampton
Application to remove a conservatory and replace with an extension.  
The parish council found no cause for objection.
Huntsmans Cottage - off Broad Lane, Bishampton
Application for round floor extension between two existing buildings (house and day room/ studio).
No objection submitted by parish council.  APPROVED
Nightingale Farm - New entrance and car port
An application has been made seeking planning permission to make a new entrance from Main Street and for a new car port in front of the farmhouse. 
The parish council found no cause for objection. APPROVED
Throckmorton Court - Throckmorton
Listed building permission is sought for repairs to the roof of a listed barn.  The Parish Council support this application.  APPROVED
Larches Farm, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton
An application for solar panel installation on the property owners own land for the benefit of the farm.
The parish council see no grounds for objection to this application.  APPROVED
Nightingale Farm - Proposed replacement mast
The Planning application for the replacement mast for EE and Three has been approved by Wychavon. APPROVED
Watersedge - Carp Fishery Broad Lane
Application seeking to extend operating hours for recreational water activities.
The Parish council has commented seeking some conditions and limitations, particularly to protect residents at Bishampton Fields. 
Hill Grove, Abberton Rd, Bishampton 
Application seeking permission to build a single storey garage in front of the property.
No objection submitted by parish council.  APPROVED
 "Retirement Bungalows " off Main Street Bishampton
Another application f or the land off Main Street has now been REFUSED. Residents and the Parish Council objected on the same grounds of unsuitability as the previous application (Self Builds).
Thank you to all who supported the Parish Councils position and worked on objecting to this inappropriate development.
"1 x Self Build" off Broad Lane Bishampton
This application for a Self build behind Pax and what used to be "The Paddocks", has been REFUSED. 
 The Parish Council and residents objected strongly to this application as unsuitable.
Thank you for your support.
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