The Solar Farm Application was approved by Wychavon Planning Committee on 27th May 2021, subject to a number of conditions and recommendations.

Proposed Solar Farm Broad Lane, Bishampton - Revisions March 2021

Following the responses and issues raised in the first consultation period - Aura Power have made significant changes to the application, the details of which they have summarised for us below.
The changes are sufficiently significant that Wychavon have commenced a second consultation period
until the 10th April.

Background to the application and details of the earlier consultation and responses are available here

Link to the application on the Wychavon Planning portal

The team at Aura Power have sent this useful summary of teh key changes, the full details are naturally available on teh Wychavon site.
Since submitting our plans we have worked with the planning officer on improving our site design, taking on board the comments from yourselves, local residents and other statutory consultees. 

These improvements include: 

1. Reduction in solar array / table heights
• Tables to be no greater than 2.7m from ground level and no greater than 2.4m for arrays within approx. 10m of public rights of way.
• Increased setback of proposed hedges from panels
2. Adjustment to angle of the solar tables to a minimum of 10° for 2.4m arrays

3. Opening up of spaces around PRoW network
• Minimum 10m setback of panels from PRoWs
4. Relocation of Substation and energy storage elements to a more central area within the site, and reduction in the scale and height of the substation facility required for the on-site connection.
• The fenced area of the substation has been reduced from 48m x 25m to 49m x 20m (a 20% reduction) and the highest element within the substation has been reduced from 6.29m to 5.8m high (a reduction of 0.49m).
5. Provision of indicative swale locations across the site.
• Swales each minimum 2.1m width, and minimum 0.3m depth
• Fuller analysis on the necessity for swales will be submitted if a Detailed Drainage
• Plan is a pre-commencement requirement of planning permission.
6. Additional Ecological Enhancement Area 
The following documents to accompany these changes are now available to view on Wychavon Planning Page though I have attached the revised site plan and cross sections for your ease. 
• Supplementary Environmental Information
• Revised Site Layout Plan
• Revised Indicative Solar Panel Elevation
• Substation Drawing
• Cross Section Drawings 
• Biodiversity Net Gain Report demonstrating a 39% increase 
• Revised FRA Report
• Noise Re-evaluation
• Revised Glint & Glare
We have also undertaken a second badger survey. Our revised site design and relocation of the substation accounts for the active badger setts adjacent to the site and reduces any impact. The Badger Mitigation Strategy confirms there is a plan in place to ensure the protection of badgers during the construction phase of development and operation. 

Lastly, we have now completed the trial trenching excavations which did not find anything that could alter our designs. 


If you do wish to comment (object or support) on the revised application you can use this link to take you straight to the Wychavon Planning site.

The same guidance applies as to all Planning Applications (see Taking Action).

1) You can object or comment in writing or on line
The address to write to is:-

Planning Services Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcs. WR10 1PT

You need to quote the application reference 20/02071/FUL The Case officer is Mr Les Greenwood.


2) Electronically, you can simply e-mail your comment or objection to the planning department quoting the application reference and making your comments either as text or by attaching an electronic document.

Or, there is an online form available on the website - this only has plain text but it works OK.

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