Sent: Thursday, 14 January 2021, 16:16:55 GMT
Subject: Winter Grants Fund
Good afternoon
My name is Kate Walton, and I am the Grants Manager at Pershore Volunteer Centre. I am writing to you as one of our valued village liaison contacts from the very beginning of the pandemic, and hope that you can help us with another project.
I have access to a relatively small pot of money from the government’s Winter Grants Fund to support vulnerable families facing difficulties during the lockdown, and I would like your help to reach families and individuals in Pershore and surrounding villages. The support is targeted at two key areas of need:
The aim is to complement the support available via Pershore Foodbank and other local initiatives in the town or villages, and funding is available for food, for essential goods including sanitary products, warm clothing, soap, blankets, white goods including freezers, ovens etc. or for boiler servicing /repairs.
I have attached an application form for your information, and if you are aware of any households who may be in need of support, please ask them to complete a form (or someone may complete the form on their behalf) and return it to me at the Volunteer Centre’s office - 1 Billing House, Cherry Orchard, Pershore WR10 1EY (next to Pershore Market) or email it to me at If a hard copy is returned to the office, it will be helpful if the applicant advises me by email as I am currently working from home.
I hope to have a very quick turnaround with any applications, so the form is as simple as I could make it, and to respect confidentiality the only information I will be reporting to the funder for monitoring purposes will be the postcode and the number of adults and children in the household.
If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have already contacted local clergy and am also planning to contact local schools, but please feel free to forward this to any other organisation or individual who may be interested.
Thank you for any assistance you can give
Kate Walton
Grants Manager
Pershore Volunteer Centre
My working days are
Tuesday & Wednesday
10am - 3pm